Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Okay, so I know my bro Alex has been posting all about it, but this is my first entry I've ever written about the band I'm in. We're not exactly a band cause we only have about four songs finished, but we're working on more and it's a lot of fun. We recorded on the of the songs, "When You Turned Away", last, last Thursday, and we're about to have another recording session this Thursday, but back to the point- Hunter (pretty much the band's leader) called Alex and me today, saying that the worship director for a nearby city had listened to their songs and liked it. Therefore, he invited us to perform in the city's park for this Music in the Park event thing in July. Although you might think I'm ecstatic, I am actually freaked out- cause in the song, I was the vocalist and would have to sing at the event. I mean, it's different playing guitar, piano, or a different instrument, but singing? *shudders* I don't know. It's out of my comfort zone, that's for sure. But lately, I've been reading Do Hard Things with my dad and brother, and it goes and challenges teens to do stuff hard and out-of-your-comfort-zone. So... I'm pretty torn. I know fear can't rule people's lives. How are we supposed to live the life God wants us to if we're constantly impeded and hindered by fear? I'm just going to have to pray about it... and practice. Maybe at this next recording session I can sing like crazy in front of everyone in the house to practice so I'll be prepared for the park- although that would probably be pretty annoying... So yeah, there's my predicament. Thought I'd just make a quick post about it cause I know lately I've been TOTALLY unfaithful in my blogging and commenting.
Now, to go and read The Code of Claw, the concluding book in the Underlander Chronicles by Suzanne Collins...



Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

If you have good musicians and/or singers together...its a band alright? Lol, so how have you been? You're right, you've been very unfaithful. I haven't heard from you in awhile...I thought maybe the rapture happened and I got left behind. LOL jkjk
With Love and Blessings,
Bleah Briann

Alex Monseth said...

I wish there was a better chance we could do the music in the park thing...

Kailyn Nickel said...

Haha, I know how that feels! On Tuesday, I'm going to play guitar and sing simultaneously in front of lots of people, and I'm... ahem... NERVOUS! So you're not alone! I really hope your band is able to do it, that you perform flawlessly, and that God will give you all peace of mind and fearlessness. The first part is conquering the fear; the second step (and the hardest) is DOING it! :P

Praying for you guys!

Josh $ said...

That's so cool! I'm majorly jealous :) who does what in your band? Any more room for a melody guitarist? :D I.e. Not chords.

Seth Skogerboe said...

That is awesome!!! I can't wait to hear your stuff! Can I come listen to your music at the park? You should definitely do it!!! Also,would you send me Hunter's email?

Vellvin said...

Whishing you luck at the park.
Do you mind if I took that Eragorn award and put it on my side-bar?

Vellvin said...

Whishing you luck!
Do you mind if I put that Eragon award and put it on my side-bar?